Julie Horrocks
Registered with the Society of
& Member of the Northern College of Homeopathic Medicine
Recommended Reading
On Homeopathy
Miranda Castro - The Complete Homeopathy Handbook and Homeopathy for Mother and Baby (excellent comprehensive guides with other practical advice - highly recommended)
Dr. Dorothy Shepherd - Magic of the Minimum Dose, More Magic of the Minimum Dose and A Physician's Posy (easy reading of cases where homeopathy helped)
Rima Handley - Homeopathy for Emotional Health and Homeopathy for Women (fascinating easy reading)
Dr. Colin B Lessell - The World Travellers' Manual of Homeopathy (guidance for journeys to tropical, remote areas of the world)
Dr. Andrew Lockie & Dr. Nicola Geddes - The Complete Guide to Homeopathy (medical approach)
On General Health
WDDTY - What Doctors Don't Tell You - A monthly review of conventional medicine and safer alternatives, magazine or online at www.wddty.com
Ross Trattler - Better Health Through Natural Healing (excellent for diet, herbs & supplements)
Rudolph Ballentine, MD - Diet & Nutrition, a holistic approach (highly recommended comprehensive advice)
Adelle Davis - Let's eat right to keep fit (very readable guide to nutrition)
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross - On Death & Dying, To Live Until We Say Goodbye, On Children & Death, and Death: The Final Growth (facing up to death)
Nicholas Albery & Stephanie Wienrich - The New Natural Death Handbook (excellent alternative advice, includes woodland burials, cardboard coffins)
Laurence L. LeShan - Cancer, A Turning Point (a remarkable book for everyone)
Bernie S. Siegal MD - Love, Medicine & Miracles
Deepak Chopra, MD - Creating Health and Perfect Health
O. Carl Simonton, Stephanie Matthews-Simonton and James Creighton - Getting Well Again
Oliver Sacks - Awakenings, The Man Who Mistook his Wife for a Hat,and Migraine
Leon Chaitow - Vaccination and Immunisation (what every parent should know)
Jan de Vries - Cancer and Leukaemia, Arthritis, Rheumatism & Psoriasis, Migraine & Epilepsy, Multiple Sclerosis and more (alternative approach)
Peter Parish - Medicines, A Guide for Everybody
Books on homeopathy and many of the above may be found at Minerva Books www.minervabooks.co.uk